How will you

Do Your Thing?

Raise funds any way you like

Set off on an inspiring physical challenge. Ask for donations instead of birthday pressies. Grow an almighty mullet...
or if you already have one? Raise funds to chop it off.

You'll help give peace of mind for all Australians to do their thing, knowing they'll get the finest care in the furthest corner from the Royal Flying Doctor Service. All thanks to you.

Getting started is as easy as 1, 2, 3

Sign up

Choose an idea for your fundraiser and sign up in just minutes. Even if you haven’t got everything planned out fully, or at all, you can still sign up and we’ll help you get going.

Set your goal

Set your fundraising goal and personalise your online fundraising page. You’ll have access to loads of resources to help with your fundraising. 

Do your thing

Here’s the fun part! Share your page and raise funds to keep the Flying Doctor in the air and on the road – and we’ll be here to support you along the way.

How will you wing it?

Do your thing!

From dressing up in drag to growing out a sick mullet. Spread your wings and soar!

Give it up

Kick a habit or cut back, and raise funds while you’re at it.

Get fit and fundraise

Feel great. Set yourself
a fitness challenge.

Birthday coming up?

Put the pressies on hold,
ask for donations instead.

Be the host with the most

Round up your mates and host an event.

Fundraise in memory

Honour the legacy of a loved one with a donation.